Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays, oops, I mean Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a satisfying Christmas & that you've all settled into planning what to do for the new year. It's going to be an election year & a hotly contested one. After much inner-debate (the most reasonable kind), I've developed enough audacity & hope to support Barack Obama-- I hope that he will stay close to his promises & get the United States out of Iraq & Afhganistan as quickly & as safely as possible. It was a shock when the Democratic controlled Congress allowed President Bush an almost limitless allowance to play with all of his war toys at the expense of so many loyal American soldiers & innocent Iraqis. I took part in a reading of the names of Iraqi & American "casualties" of this horrible war a few weeks ago in Brunswick at the UUA church. I wish that more churches & more clergy were speaking out more against the carnage. Our little group of protesters continues to garner support on the Bridge Between Porter & Parsonsfield in Kezar Falls. Anyone who would like to join us, call me at 625-4411 or e-mail me at or just show up any Saturday @ 10:00.

On December 23rd, we had a little "Lessons & Carols" service at our church in Brownfield & then took part in the larger one in Fryeburg. They were both great & spiritually meaningful. I'd like to express my deep appreciation to the Girl Scouts & Brownies who helped to decorate the church's Christmas tree. Thanks!

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